
Blog #9

 I actually have really enjoyed distance learning this semester and the previous two semesters. I do not think it hinders my learning experience at all, but rather creates more flexibility in my schedule. I definitely think you need to be motivated to learn while doing distance learning because there is not someone physically pushing you to do your work. I think I am good at time management, so that is why I like it so much. When I am a teacher, if I am ever in a distance learning situation, I think that providing every resource I can will benefit my students the most. I also would try to make myself available to help my students as much as I can, so they can feel secure in being able to get help when they need to.  Open educational resources are resources that are easily accessible to all. These resources are mostly available online, which makes them available to most people. These are extremely useful to teachers as they allow for knowledge and resources to be available to teachers a

Blog #8

 While working on the Web Design assignment, I learned multiple new skills in website design. I had some knowledge on website design before doing this assignment, but I learned how to embed a google calendar and became more familiar with Weebly. I liked this assignment a lot and do not have anything that I didn't like about it. I had a lot of fun creating the website and I definitely see myself using all of the skills I learned from this in my future career. Making a website is a necessary skill for teachers especially, and I definitely feel comfortable to make one in the future.   From working with Diigo, I have gained a lot of new skills. I have learned how to share resources that I found online with other people in my Diigo group. Not only can I share them, but I can annotate and leave sticky notes on things I find interesting or important and the group can see my annotations as well. I think this can be an extremely helpful tool in the futur

Blog #7

 I first visited Leon High School's website, where I tried to click on multiple teachers' websites. I did not really like the layout and a lot of the teachers did not have much information on their websites. Then I visited Ms. MacMillan's website, where I found a copious amounts of information. The information that is shared publicly on her website includes class lessons, contact information, and pictures from the class. The website also had countless links to lessons and assignments for her students, which is very thorough and allows for students to keep up with her class. I liked how her website was laid out and it was very easy to find information on it. I plan to use technology to accomplish my professional responsibilities more efficiently and effectively in may ways. I plan to use technology to create a comprehensive class website on Wix for students and parents to know what we are doing in the class and have access to resources. I think

Blog #6

 When I first opened Diigo, I did not necessarily like the layout of it. It seemed very intimidating at first and looked very confusing. After watching the tutorials about Diigo, I found it easy to use and somewhat comprehensible. I know how to navigate it now, but I can still say it is not my favorite tool. I like how you can post something to a group that you are in and everyone in the group can view it and how you can upload a bookmark, PDF, image, or notes. I do not like how the layout of this tool is simply because it does not look welcoming or easy to use.  I have never blogged before this course, however I have enjoyed it a lot! I like how easy Blogger is to use and I loved designing my blog. Blogger makes it very simple for you to include links to other websites within your blog, add pictures, and just simply write blog posts. I did not know anything about a blog page before this course and I enjoyed learning how to do all those things. I like that you can go back and edit a bl

Blog #5

 I actually have not used Twitter before taking this course. I never needed to use it for anything in my past, and I found it a little difficult to navigate. After using it for this class, I actually really enjoyed being involved in a Twitter chat, which is something I did not even know existed. I loved how I was talking to people of all ages at the same time, while each of us were from different places and have had completely different experiences. I think using Twitter in a professional way can be very beneficial in my future, since it opens communication with people from all over. Twitter also has a lot of professional accounts, which I was unaware of before taking this class. I think you can really learn a lot from all of the different people on Twitter and it is a quick way to reach those people as well.  I think that the digital divide is a very prevalent issue in all schools, even though it is not discussed frequently. I think the digital divide affects students' success dra

Blog #4

 For the ELA technology standards, I selected the Kindergarten grade level since this is the grade I would like to teach in the future. The standard listed for this grade level states that the students should be able to use or be familiar with various technological tools with the help of adults with a focus on writing and collaboration. This standard ensures that kindergarten students will become familiar with digital tools early on and will begin their journey with using technology in an educational setting, while including the importance of collaboration with their peers. Based on my current skill set, I feel prepared to implement this standard because I have the skillset to use the tools listed in the standard, simply from using them in my educational past. I believe that I would definitely feel more comfortable implementing this standard in my classroom if I was able to review these tools before.  Using the CPALMS Educator toolkit, I was able to find an entire lesson plan for a sha

Blog #3

 I believe that copyright is something put in place so that people have protection for their own work. Copyright makes it so that people must ask to use others' work, instead of simply being able to steal it. Fair use is the right to use others' work, but only in certain instances and by using the work in a specific and fair way. It allows others to use or rework someone's work, but they must follow the rules/guidelines of fair use. However it is always a good idea to credit others' work. As a future teacher, I plan to keep these two concepts in mind frequently and be sure to credit others' work that I might be using for instructional purposes. When I am creating my own instructional materials, I will be sure to have my name mentioned on it so that others know that it is my work, and I would hope for others to ask for permission to use it. When students create their own works, I will teach them to always put their name on everything so that they can receive the cred