Blog #3

 I believe that copyright is something put in place so that people have protection for their own work. Copyright makes it so that people must ask to use others' work, instead of simply being able to steal it. Fair use is the right to use others' work, but only in certain instances and by using the work in a specific and fair way. It allows others to use or rework someone's work, but they must follow the rules/guidelines of fair use. However it is always a good idea to credit others' work. As a future teacher, I plan to keep these two concepts in mind frequently and be sure to credit others' work that I might be using for instructional purposes. When I am creating my own instructional materials, I will be sure to have my name mentioned on it so that others know that it is my work, and I would hope for others to ask for permission to use it. When students create their own works, I will teach them to always put their name on everything so that they can receive the credit that they deserve for creating their own work. I think these concepts are extremely important to teach and learn in classrooms!

Technology implementation issues are bound to arise in the setting of a classroom, but I think there are some ways that might be able to combat these issues. Of course, academic dishonestly is a huge issue in classrooms, especially now with the technological advancements. I think that in my classroom, I will try to combat academic dishonesty by first having a talk with my students about this problem, and then I will use measures such as test blockers and giving hard copy assignments or tests. I think that using these methods can help reduce academic dishonesty in my future classroom and I happen to like using hand written things, which will promote original thinking. Another issue is decreased productivity, which I think can definitely be solved with the use of fun activities in the classroom. I think that technology can decrease productivity, however I think it also can be a great tool to increase it. If students find a program or website on the internet that is beneficial to learning and fun for them to do, I think this is a great way to keep the students productive while they are interested in what they are doing. 

I had a really fun time working on my newsletter, and I gained many new skills from it as well. I learned how to insert a banner that I made from Canva onto a Word document, how to create a cute permission slip, and how to utilize the column feature. I think that in the future, I could maybe improve my newsletter by adding maybe a background color and more graphics to make it more appealing to the reader, since I chose to make mine for a kindergarten class. I think that every skill that I learned from this assignment will help me in my future because if I do become a kindergarten teacher, I will be making items like this newsletter very frequently. I am excited to use the tools I learned from this for many other things in my future as well, simply because I enjoyed doing it!
