Blog #6

 When I first opened Diigo, I did not necessarily like the layout of it. It seemed very intimidating at first and looked very confusing. After watching the tutorials about Diigo, I found it easy to use and somewhat comprehensible. I know how to navigate it now, but I can still say it is not my favorite tool. I like how you can post something to a group that you are in and everyone in the group can view it and how you can upload a bookmark, PDF, image, or notes. I do not like how the layout of this tool is simply because it does not look welcoming or easy to use. 

I have never blogged before this course, however I have enjoyed it a lot! I like how easy Blogger is to use and I loved designing my blog. Blogger makes it very simple for you to include links to other websites within your blog, add pictures, and just simply write blog posts. I did not know anything about a blog page before this course and I enjoyed learning how to do all those things. I like that you can go back and edit a blog and that you can redesign your blog at any time. I have liked every part of Blogger so far, so I do not have any complaints. 

A Web 2.0 tool that I found is called Screencastify. It is a tool used for creating easily accessible videos for online, hybrid, or normal classrooms. This tool makes it very easy to record yourself and post for your students to be able to watch and learn at their own pace. It also includes activities such as speech and language practice, comprehension exercises, and interactive presentations. I can see myself using this in the future because it promotes students' success and interaction with the material. I would feel comfortable using a tool like this, especially after going through virtual schooling myself and wishing my teachers used something like this.
