Blog #7

 I first visited Leon High School's website, where I tried to click on multiple teachers' websites. I did not really like the layout and a lot of the teachers did not have much information on their websites. Then I visited Ms. MacMillan's website, where I found a copious amounts of information. The information that is shared publicly on her website includes class lessons, contact information, and pictures from the class. The website also had countless links to lessons and assignments for her students, which is very thorough and allows for students to keep up with her class. I liked how her website was laid out and it was very easy to find information on it.

I plan to use technology to accomplish my professional responsibilities more efficiently and effectively in may ways. I plan to use technology to create a comprehensive class website on Wix for students and parents to know what we are doing in the class and have access to resources. I think that Wix is very user friendly and I have used it in the past, so this would be the best way for me to create a class website. I will be sure to include a class calendar, class policies, class resources, ways to contact me, and more.  

I did not really like using Wiki at first, but after I learned how to use it I liked it a little more. In my group, Savannah and I worked together for a long time just trying to figure out how to setup the page and lay it out. It did not seem very user friendly if we did not have access to the tutorials. After we figured out how to use it, it was nice that we were able to create links to the different pages of our Wiki. I could use a Wiki in the future for K-12 students as my class website or as a page with resources for my class. I personally do not think I would like to use a Wiki in the future, but I know how to use it now and could use it if necessary.
