
Showing posts from November, 2021

Blog #9

 I actually have really enjoyed distance learning this semester and the previous two semesters. I do not think it hinders my learning experience at all, but rather creates more flexibility in my schedule. I definitely think you need to be motivated to learn while doing distance learning because there is not someone physically pushing you to do your work. I think I am good at time management, so that is why I like it so much. When I am a teacher, if I am ever in a distance learning situation, I think that providing every resource I can will benefit my students the most. I also would try to make myself available to help my students as much as I can, so they can feel secure in being able to get help when they need to.  Open educational resources are resources that are easily accessible to all. These resources are mostly available online, which makes them available to most people. These are extremely useful to teachers as they allow for knowledge and resources to be available to teachers a