Blog #2

 I have used Microsoft Word for most of my years in school. I remember having computer classes starting in elementary school that taught us how to use the tools in Microsoft Word as well as basic skills within the program. After that, assignments were expected to be completed by using Microsoft Word, so I had frequent practice with it. Since beginning college, I have used Google Docs because of how easy it is to edit, access, and share. I prefer Google Docs now because the program is more useful to me at this stage of my education due to its layout and accessibility. 

Out of all of the ISTE Standards for Educators, I think that the Collaborator standard stood out the most to me. This standard ensures that teachers are using collaboration with not only with other adults, but with the students as well. I think that sharing ideas and reflecting is a critical part of being a teacher and being able to do that with the students and other adults provides means for a very meaningful collaboration. In a K-12 setting, interacting and working with the students and adults around them will lead to a well-rounded learning experience for everyone involved. Educators in this setting must be flexible to share and collaborate ideas with others and even tweak teaching to provide a better learning setting. 

I agree with the term "digital native" for today's youth because learning the current technology will be a part of how they grow up in most cases, meaning that they will understand how to use it more than those who had to learn when they were older. The title, "digital native" means that someone grew up around the time when more modern technologies were coming out, so they learned how to use them at a younger age than others. Now, this might mean that they had more time to learn and understand these technologies, so they are "natives" when it comes to using them. I have noticed some differences between how I use technology and how my past teachers use it, including the lack of knowledge when it comes to how to use certain technologies. I can remember when teachers would ask for technological help from the students frequently, since a lot of us used technology more often than them and could probably find a solution quicker. I do not think this had an effect on my learning experience, however it was an inconvenience in the classroom. I think that as time goes on, technology will always advance, however I think I will be better equipped to learn and understand new technologies than my teachers were, since I was born a "digital native" and have a basic understanding of how to use various technologies. Of course, I anticipate some differences between my future students and I regarding technology because of the constant advancement of technology. 


  1. Hi Sofia, Thank you for the thoughtful post. I really liked how you explained the collaborator standard from various perspectives. As you pointed out, educators can not only collaborate with colleague teachers to create teaching materials and better learning environments but also collaborate with their students to learn from each other. Also, they can teach kids how to collaborate with others using collaborative tools (e.g., wiki, social media). Regarding digital natives, I appreciate that you notice the possible gap you might have between you and your future students in technology use. Even teachers who are "digital natives" may need to keep learning about new technologies to keep up with their future students.


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